Are We a Good Fit For You?
Exponent Advisors isn’t for everyone
We don’t fit a lot of narrow definitions and we look for a strong fit between our core competencies and what you need. We aren’t “twice-a-month” advisors, consultants, or coaches, but we think we offer some of the best of each of those. We aren’t just mentors, but we think we have the experience to teach you how to improve your ability to execute. We aren’t contractors, but we have a hands-on focus, where we can make the connection between strategy and execution either doing some of the execution or training you and your people how to.
With that said, we should at least have a conversation if:
- You have a small team but have some clearly identifiable skill gaps, but don’t yet have the budget for a full-time expert for each of these skills.
- Your team doesn’t have a lot of experience in starting and growing a company and you could use help with making sure that your company has the right tools and infrastructure to grow.
- You have access to high-level strategic advice, but need help executing on that advice.
- You’d like to have access to high-level strategic advice from a mentor that can teach you how to execute on it.
- You want someone who can operate at a “co-founder” level, but without having to give up co-founder levels of equity and who you can “release” when you think you have enough momentum to hire your full-time team.
- You’d like an experienced “Devil’s advocate” who can help you challenge and improve your plans.
- You could use an interim executive to help you set up and recruit for your various functional areas (sales, operations, reporting, partnerships, etc)
- You would like help preparing your story and presentations for fundraising, including your pitch, pitch deck, financial models and 1-page summary.
- You feel like your Go-to-market strategy is missing some key elements and you’d like help improving it.
We’ve been in the trenches. That’s why we started Exponent. When you thrive with our help, we hope you’ll tell your friends and continue the virtuous circle. Let’s spend a few minutes on the phone and see if there is a fit.